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Chor Musik Stuttgart | VHL +

Datum út 03. 09. 2024 Čas 19:00 Místo KONCERT Rezervace vstupenek Rezervace

Místo konání: Klášter sv. Augustina


Německý chrámový sbor přijede do Vrchlabí zazpívat skladby F. Mendelssohna, J. S. Bacha, O. Gjeila, K. Matsushita a dalších. 

Koncert uvádíme jako Vrchlabské hudební léto PLUS

Vstupné: 250 Kč, studenti a senioři 200 Kč, děti do 15 let 50 Kč. 


Jugendkantorei Feuerbach

Sbor vznikl teprve nedávna, ale již samostatně vystupuje jak na náboženských, tak i ryze kulturních akcích. Členové sboru jsou mladí lidé mezi 13 - 19 lety a repertoár je zaměřen jak na současnou komorní hudbu tak na klasické autory od baroka po romantismus. V roce 2022 a 2023 sbor navštívil jižní Francii na festivalu Bardou Letní hudba ve St. Chinian. 


In recent years, the Stuttgart-Feuerbach youth choir has developed into a choir that can be seen and heard in concerts in its own Protestant community and beyond. Most of the young people aged between 13 and 19 have grown up in the children's choir of their own parish. They sing four-part works in a wide variety of styles and eras in church services and concerts. The choir's repertoire focuses on contemporary chamber music, with works by Steve Dobrogosz, Ola Gjeilo and others, but also includes compositions from the Baroque to the Romantic period.

After two successful concert tours in 2022 and 2023, which took the young choir to the south of France with concerts as part of the Bardou Summer of Music in St. Chinian, Mons la Trivalle and Cassan, a stay in the Giant Mountains is planned for 2024.


The choir's director, Christine Marx, studied church music at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University in Greifswald and choral conducting at the Robert Schumann University in Düsseldorf with Professor Volker Hempfling. After working as a cantor in Celle and district cantor in Burgdorf/Hanover, she became cantor of the Stuttgart-Feuerbach Protestant Church in 2002. Having grown up singing and making music in various ensembles herself, in her work as a cantor she is particularly committed to convey young talent. A total of five choirs are under her direction in Stuttgart-Feuerbach. The youngest start at the age of 5. A total of 150 children, adolescents and adults rehearse every week and delight the people of Stuttgart and other concert venues with their performances.


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